Category: Teams

The Hard Truth About Remote Work

Fully remote, distributed work isn’t for everyone or every company

Fully remote, distributed work isn’t for everyone or every company

Over the past four years several truths have emerged that need to be acknowledged by anyone who either seeks to set up or work in such an environment. The goal of any work environment should be effectiveness and efficiency.

Companies should prioritize software and systems for the geographically distributed support workers they seek to employ. Employees should embrace productivity and mental health to stay sharp in a challenging work environment.

Here are five truths that I have come to appreciate as a fully remote software developer working with a geographically distributed team.

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Category: Culture

Smart People Quit, They Don't Give Up - A Software Development Story

In his 2007 book “The Dip” Seth Godin writes that “Smart people quit all the time..” what they don’t do is give up on a strategy. The idea is that while you pursue a worthy goal (strategy), you need to remain flexible in your approach (tactics).

Though the book is primarily targeted at entrepreneurs, it contains a lot of wisdom about the journey from mediocrity to excellence. The Dip is a perfect metaphor for everything from your career to individual problems you may tackle.

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